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About Me

Congratulations! Your search for a talented, flexible Digital Strategist has ended. I am ready to jump in and get right to work. I have over 15 years of experience as a Digital Marketer. I have worked for a digital agency and a leading software company as a project and product manager. I will make an immediate contribution to the quality and substance of your campaigns.


You are looking for someone who can produce engaging, persuasive content for your communications. You need someone who writes within your company's expectations for accuracy and messaging.  


I am also fluent in email marketing, SEO, and web copy. I am exactly the person you're looking for.  As a marketing consultant, I can give a tough-love analysis of many types of campaigns to offer suggestions for improvement.

I am a capable content producer. I write pay-per-click ads for browser and social ads, like Google, Microsoft Ads, and Facebook. I can manage writers for large-scale content and design engaging landing pages that convert.


I am Google Ads and Analytics certified. I can manage both social media and Google Ads accounts. I track everything I do to make data-driven decisions. I am efficient, reducing costs and increasing revenue at every chance. I can save you money with less cost per acquisition.


In the last 18-months, I have had a crash course in enterprise-levels of email campaigns. My campaigns go to hundreds of thousands of people each week. I am proud of the projects and campaigns that are currently running to service Microsoft Ads customers.

Project History

My latest projects

Shell Corp, Loop Neighborhood Digital Marketing Consultant & Salesforce Marketing Cloud SME
From 12/2022 to 7/2023

Screenshot 2023-06-23 124337.jpg

My contract at Loop Neighborhood Shell Corp was to manage their digital presence through several channels. I was tasked with touching up their newly-launched WordPress website. I mapped out new content to be produced, social media, and email/SMS using Salesforce Marketing Cloud. I also consulted on automation technology and provided guidance on email and content marketing.


Here are the 3 components of Loop Neighborhood's digital strategy I evaluated and created a list of tasking for:




1. Website & SEO - The website was on the verge of launch when I was brought on board. I took the current site content, For the website, I was responsible for making sure it was set up correctly using SEO content. Created individual store pages on the WordPress site and linked to Google locations pages. I mapped out tracking & reporting, created landing pages, and updated the site to support Salesforce Marketing Cloud campaigns.


2. Salesforce Marketing Cloud SME - I oversaw Loop Neighborhood's Salesforce Marketing Cloud implementation from the ground up. I ensured launch tasking was complete, including list cleanup, custom segmentation (Data Extensions), IP warmup, and initial customer journey production. SFMC campaigns include birthdays, customer subscriptions, and regular specials and promotions.


3. Content Marketing - The last phase of the project was setting up a blog, and launching an editorial calendar. The goal with the blog is to use content and keywords to help Loop show up on search engine results pages. Blog posts to be produced around Loop's deals and promotions, things to do in the local area, and community initiatives.



Charles Schwab Digital Marketing Consultant & Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Salesforce Lightning SME
12/2022 >> 7/2023


I was brought aboard Charles Schwab as a Salesforce Lightning subject matter expert. I was also tasked with running audits of the content templates for events, communications, and scheduling follow-ups that were part of the automation the branch managers were using. I made sure the content reads well, selected images, and ensure accuracy. 


I was the main point of contact between the full-time employees at Schwab and Salesforce, troubleshooting technical issues, and coordinating projects that were across multiple teams and variable vendors. 

1. Salesforce Lightning SME - I was tasked with being the liaison between Salesforce Lightning and Charles Schwab. I bridged the gap between the full-time employees and Salesforce vendors. I made sure the Branch Managers had properly working automation and lined-out customer journeys. I did troubleshooting as one-off issues arose at a specific branch based on some kind of customization added.  


2. Content Marketing - The second half of my responsibilities revolved around the content being sent out to customers of the specific branches. I made sure emails functioned properly, that the content was relevant to the goals of the communication template, and I made sure calls-to-action made sense and were compelling.


I closed this project with an audit of Schwab's internal Salesforce Lightning online manual on how to use Schwab's custom instance of Salesforce. I went through all the steps needed to accomplish various comms and found areas for improvement.  


Microsoft Sr Lifecycle Marketing Project Manager
via We Are Rosie agency project from 9/2021 >> 11/2022


The Problem:

Lifecycle Marketing focuses on the onboarding and retention of small businesses to platinum customers who are doing paid ads within the Microsoft Ads Network.


The Plan:

Provide Microsoft Advertising customers with regular progress updates combined with content designed to improve MSA proficiency and success. The Retain and Grow team regularly sends campaigns to agencies, channel partners, retail customers, and new paid ads customers.

In my current role, I manage email production from ideation to content creation to development. I go through the entire process working with relevant team members and stakeholders. I am responsible for pushing a project towards launch. I ensure all related technical problems and special features are built and functioning properly. I have a hand in managing analytics and tracking codes, working with the development team, and reviewing proofs for final approval. I work with a strategist to analyze and improve onboarding campaigns by looking at email performance data.


Right now, I am working on an overhaul of the monthly email campaigns to streamline messaging and content. I work in tandem with a strategist to execute campaigns designed specifically for onboarding and success of MSA accounts and customers. The goal of my team is to ensure the retention, participation, and profitability of each small business, agency, and platinum customer.

My Role:

I am the Project Manager associated with the lifecycle team. Once a customer is acquired, they are added to one of a variety of campaigns depending on segment, vertical, and markets. I manage the various email campaigns that go out regularly per month. I work with a strategist to conceptualize and launch any new multi-touch or ad-hoc campaigns. The customers receive their regular performance updates and any new campaigns they may be eligible for. An example is a retail campaign we've developed to be a series of touches leading up to the retail holiday season, priming the customer for success using relevant training content.


I ensure new content gets localized and translated to go to the 238 countries and 105 languages Bing allows. With over 1 billion visits each month and an $8.53 billion dollar revenue in 2021, Bing is the second-most popular search engine to advertise. I am lucky enough to be part of the team, picking up a vast array of email success tactics. I have a great deal of practical experience solving technical and content-related problems with regard to email. This also applies to the production of landing pages, contact forms, calls-to action

Global Nonprofit Digital Marketing Strategy Consultant
Rissho Kosei-kai Buddhist Community>>  See my most recent website project - 1/2021 >> 5/2023

Stephanie Reynolds Nonprofit Consultant

The Problem:

A Japanese Buddhist church wishes to spreads its message of hope and peace across the United States. The church has very little online presence in the United States.


The Plan:

Let's use WordPress and a navigation overhaul to refresh the user experience without changing the branded site the organization members were used to. We will use the Google Grant ads credit to boost traffic to all the pages on the site, and let's use Google Analutics to create conversion goals that teach us about our audience and what content is engaging.

I take on nonprofit work each year. This year I have decided to volunteer my expertise to a Buddhist organization. They are a nonprofit organization whose ultimate goal is world peace. Rissho Kosei-kai is a Japanese Buddhist religious organization rapidly spreading within the United States. 


I have divided the project into 3 phases:

1. Website redesign - The current website is great, we want to recreate it onto WordPress so we can measure engagement much better.

2. Google Grant application and account setup - the nonprofit qualified for the Google grant. Ads account plus analytics set up to track conversions.

3. Secondary content - once the website and Google Ads account are setup, there will be a round of secondary content including supportive blog posts, landing pages, event announcements, and fundraising drive ideas.



My Role:

I am lucky to be part of this project. I am the marketing consultant who works between the client content creation team and the developer. I make sure we can take difficult philosophical content and present it in an engaging way.


We are putting the finishing touches on the design of the new site. Then we start the development portion of the project. The Google Grant Ads account is being set-up and we have high hopes for engagement in the future.


I have a great client relationship and this is one of the projects I am the most proud of. I believe in the mission of this organization, to do what is needed to promote peace in our homes, in our communities, the environment, and ultimately the world.

The Problem:

I needed  to create content to support nurturing emails I was sending to prospects on the side. I had to show prospects at colleges and universities our agency understood their unique problems and had fresh ideas. I managed the entire blog, from keyword research to managing guest posts, plus getting our posts put up on other sites.




Mid-South Digital Marketing Agency

UX Web Design, Content Management, Digital Strategies for Clients, Account Management, Email Nurturing 

Digital Agency Strategist
Digital Agency EDU Homepage

The Home Page: 

I was proud at the way the home page turned out. I am talented when it comes to picking images to illustrate the copy I am producing. 




Stephanie Reynolds blogroll

I also designed, selected images for, and wrote the home page. I was always given a great deal of leeway to put my own feel to the design and use my particular voice on the blog. I was responsible for producing ALL the blogs on the site (excluding the guest posts). You will get a good idea of my voice in reviewing these writing samples.


I was utilized in other places for writing. From social media profiles, to proposal writing for new business. I created a wiki and began my own SOP library with notes and instructions on any task (for example keyword research). Over the years I have developed some solid systems that have always kept me successful. 


I want to bring all my content promotion experience and digital marketing skills to you! When do we start?

My Impact:

  • Produced custom content marketing and digital strategies for clients across multiple industries. 

  • Created diverse digital assets: from blog posts, to websites & sales pages to ebooks, and eLearning modules.

  • Worked with guest writers and writers' services to get supplemental copy. I provided the outline, talking points, keywords, topic & title.

  • Wrote and loaded email marketing series: client nurture, sales, and just plain informational. 

Mid-South Hospital Network

Google PPC, Facebook Advertising, UX Web Design

Mid-South Hospital Network

The Problem:

A Mid-South hospital network needed to promote its new brand & service lines. 


The Plan:

Google Adwords and Facebook campaigns for the first year. A massive content push the second year. I wanted to start with search traffic by doctor and health issue. I created very specific landing pages like the one below.

Landing Page example
Hospital Network blogroll

I made sure we had a quick way to pull vital information into physicians' profiles. We didn't want to make all these pages individually, so I had a developer automate the information-populating directly onto the pages.


After that, we focused on long-tail traffic and occupying the spaces beneath the ads on Google.


Through keyword research, we determined which titles and topics would work best. 


Once we got the content underway, we worked with the team on the client side to execute, proof, and optimize each post for search engines.







My Role:

I started by co-authoring the content strategy and planned the landing page content. I produced Google and Facebook ads & copy for all the landing pages. I analyzed the page performance using user recordings and heat-mapping. This way I could improve page performance based on how users were interacting.


I planned the titles and topics based on my keyword research and the goals of the client.

Conversion rates:

  • Specialty Practices - 23.31%

  • Physical Therapy -  7.09%

  • Imaging Services - 6.36%

  • Primary Care - 24.12%

Google Adwords traffic

Georgia Bible College

Email Nurturing, Facebook Ads, Social Media, Blog Mgmt.


The Problem:

The college had a scandal a few years ago with its leadership stealing funds. We also had a new generation of students and potential students to talk to. The alumni association from the college were struggling to engage due to the previous scandal. 


The Plan:

Tell the story of successful alumni, inform people of new projects, programs, and campus upgrades, and to take the reader back through the history of the college.


I also made sure to report what peoples' donations were go towards. I wanted to create an open, transparent relationship between the college and her audience. The main thing was rebuilding trust. We wrote up summer projects and created update posts on what the college was spending money on.

College Projects blogroll
Landing pag example

My Role:

Developed the storytelling strategy. It was really important to get the word out of all the good things the college was doing. It was also super-important to get a clean list. We didn't want to upset any email recipients, so we had to be careful about the way things were worded. We needed to make sure the audience knew we were focusing on the future and not problems of the past.




  • Facebook 6,664 clicks @ $0.44 per click

  • Email (all of 2019)

    • 91, 353 emails delivered >> 16,279 opened

    • 17.82% open rate for 2019


Bible College Facebook results

Special Events & Weddings

Google PPC, Facebook Advertising, Email Nurturing, Blog Mgmt., Ebook Creation & Promotion

Special Events company

The Problem:

A Mid-south company headquartered in Memphis wanted to sell big weddings and large special events. These were more profitable than small event equipment rentals. 


The Plan:

I wanted to offer lots of resources to local brides as well as create an array of landing pages that would work well for a quick search. We created some digital assets and pay-per-click campaigns to promote them.

My Role:

Created our content marketing strategy. We would produce an eBook for local brides as well as diverse yet supportive landing pages. We focused our ads on Google and Facebook to direct users back to the sight to sign up for an email nurturing series coupled with an eBook.


I wrote the eBook copy, gathered the additional content, researched the best keywords, topics to include, and titles. I wrote the email nurturing series and planned the best frequencies based on the behavior of similar audiences.


I wrote supportive blog posts and long-tail Search ads on Google. Also, I targeted Facebook users with ads who had interests in weddings and bridal topics and groups. 







  • Conversions (Jan- Sept 2018)

    • Wedding consults - 322

    • eBook downloads - 153

    • Party event rentals - 47

Party & Equipment rental campaigns

National Lung Cancer Nonprofit

Google Grants Ads Mgmt, Landing Pages, UX Web Design, Social Media Strategies

Lung Cancer runs/walks

The Problem:

A lung cancer research and advocate nonprofit was in dire need of increasing both event and website engagement.


Additionally, they were approved for a Google Grant and administering that account needed special handling. The account will be shut down if conversions are less than 5% per campaign per month.


The Plan:

We had access issues using their main site, so we used Unbounce to create very specific landing pages to drive conversions. We also created Ad campaigns to drive traffic to the landing pages. 


My Role:

When I first looked over the site I knew we needed to update the Navigation. The nonprofit has a vast array of rich, long-form content created by medical professionals. I wanted to make getting around the site.


I have written their ads and landing page copy for 2-3 years. I have also created the information architecture for most of the landing pages we created at the agency.  I could usually spot the place conversions dropped off and fix it.


Landing page example

Landing Page:

Above is an example of some of the pages I made to drive people from an ad to a specific digital resource.



Landing page example


  • Conversion rates May15 - August 12 (2019):

    • Awareness & Support - 16.17%​

    • Donate campaign - 77.78%!!!!

Nonprofit Google Ads results

Landing Page:

I also created promotional materials such as the one above. I had several things to promote such as their events and their special programs (such as patient mentoring patient).


National Speed, Fishing, Pontoon Boat Manufacturer

Google PPC, Facebook Advertising, UX Web Design, Email Nurturing, Ebook Creation & Promotion, Landing Pages

Pontoon Manufacturing company

The Problem:

A speed boating manufacturer launched a sister company to produce and promote pontoons. We had to talk about boating and fishing to an entirely new audience of hobbyists. 


The Plan:

In order to get folks to the endless array of boat styles, sizes, and prices, we created an extensive Google Ads campaign. We ensured there were landing pages (such as the one to the right >>) for every series and model. We included a catalog download (or mailed) and a dealer search at the end of each page. 


We got their names/emails and once they requested a catalog, an email series about the brand, and promotional offers was kicked off. The email series nurtured the lead for a year or until they registered for their warranty (proof of purchase). We had to ensure proper tracking to make sure the data we were collecting was correct. 


My Role:

I lined out the content that went into the emails and the supportive blog posts. I wrote the the copy and updated it annually. Additionally, I wrote all the ads, wrote the copy for the landing pages and calls-to-action. 

Results (May 15 - August 12 2019) :

  • Remarketing - 9,005 clicks @ $0.23 cost per click

  • Search - 2,159 clicks @ $0.76 CPC

  • Search Atl - 225 clicks @ $1.08 CPC

  • Search Dal/FW - 221 clicks @ $0.92 CPC

Pontoon landing page

Landing Pages:

Creating targeted landing pages that directed traffic to product profiles on the site were especially helpful in funneling and tagging traffic. We always made sure to serve ads to the right geographic area. 



Pontoon Google Ads results

TN Landscaping Company

Google PPC, Landing Pages, Website Design/UX, Ebook Creation & Promotion

Landscaping Company

The Problem:

A landscaping company came to us and wanted to maximize on the jobs that cost the least but made him the most revenue. After some analysis we saw that he had the least install time and made the most from his landscape lighting projects.  We did a huge push that coming Spring, promoting landscape lighting.


The Plan:

We would do an ad campaign both on Google and Facebook. Google gets folks that are actively searching, Facebook targets by affinity.


My Role:

Again, I laid out the landing pages, wrote copy, ads, headlines and CTAs. The main thing was getting them back to the site. We were lucky because we had such beautiful images and video from the client. 

Landscaping landing page sample

Results (Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2019):

  • Results

    • Pools - 2,243 clicks

    • Landscaping - 1,290 clicks

    • Lighting - 597 clicks

    • Patios - 451 clicks

    • Outdoor - 319 clicks

Let's Connect Now!


Thanks for taking the time to review my work. As you can see, no two projects are the same. It has been this way since I started doing this career.


That's what makes me such a valuable asset! I have worked with so many industries and have to be flexible. Shoot me an email or give me a call. I am available for new clients right now!

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